January 05, 2011

Adamant Entertainment To Go With $1.99 PDF Pricing

Adamant Entertainment, publisher of ICONSreleased a statement two days ago revealing that they were altering the model on their "app-pricing" products, namely PDF format products. Here's an excerpt:

"Adamant is dropping the price of all of our tabletop games PDF products to $1.99, across the board.

This is not a “clearance sale”, or only on older product — everything we have in PDF, including the new releases coming this week — $1.99, regardless of length. We think that the market has grown to the point where “app-pricing” (for lack of a better phrase) can generate sustainable business. We think that gamers will respond to a model based on ease-of-purchase and no-impact pricing. Most of all, we’re putting our money where our mouth is.

Call it an experiment. Call it putting theory into practice. Call it a leap of faith.

Care to leap with us?"
I haven't had a chance to check out ICONS yet, but I wish them a lot of luck with this.

January 02, 2011

DC HEROES: Batman Beyond!

The hell with it. I'm going to do the fun stuff first, at least what I consider the most fun. Write-ups! I've always had a fondness for the DC Animated Batman Beyond series. Since I've been on a big DC HEROES kick lately, I'd like to present two write-ups I did the last few days: Terry McGinnis aka Batman Beyond and the elderly Bruce Wayne. Hope you enjoy these!

Batman Beyond
Dex: 08 Str: 04 Body: 06
Int: 08 Will: 08 Mind: 08
Inf: 08 Aura: 07 Spirit: 08
Initiative: 28 Hero Points: 100

Skills: Acrobatics: 08*, Charisma: 08*, Detective: 08*, Gadgetry: 08*, Martial Artist: 08*, Scientist: 08*, Thief: 08*, Vehicles: 08*, Weaponry: 08*
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Gotham City); Buddy (Max Gibson); Connection: Arkham Asylum (High), Gotham State Prison (High), Gotham City Police Department (High), Gotham State University (High), Justice League (High), Street (High), Superman (High); Headquarters (Bat-Cave); Intensive Training; Iron Nerves; Leadership; Lightning Reflexes; Rich Friend (Bruce Wayne); Sharp Eye
Drawbacks: Secret Identity
BAT-SUIT [STR: 08, BODY: 09; Claws: 08, Cling: 08, Cold Immunity: 08, Directional Hearing: 04, Extended Hearing: 04, Flame Immunity: 08, Flight: 06, Gliding: 04, Invisibility: 06, Lightning: 08, Projectile Weapons: 06, Radio Communications: 10, Sealed Systems: 08, Skin Armor: 08, Snare: 08, Super Hearing: 04, Telescopic Vision: 04, Thermal Vision: 08, Ultra Vision: 08; Limitations: Lightning limited to range of Touch, Cling only works on metal surfaces, the Bat-Suit can be deactivated by the Batcomputer; R#2]
Batmobile [STR: 10, BODY: 12, INT: 06, Cling: 08, Flight: 10, Fog: 08, Heat Vision: 08, Invisibility: 06, Lightning: 08, Projectile Weapons: 08, Radar Sense: 08, Vehicles (Air): 06*, R#2]
Batarangs (x8) [STR: 07, BODY: 08, EV: 03, Gliding: 02]
Flash-Bang Grenades [BODY: 01, EV: 06, Flash: 08]
Bat-Smoke Pellets [BODY: 01, Fog: 12]
Flexicuffs [STR: 08, BODY: 08]
Belt Buckle Saw [BODY: 08, EV: 06]
6 8-AP ABC Omni-Gadgets
Alter Ego: Terry McGinnis
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Assistant to Bruce Wayne 
Wealth: 06

Bruce Wayne
Dex: 06 Str: 04 Body: 05
Int: 13 Will: 13 Mind: 13
Inf: 11 Aura: 9 Spirit: 11
Initiative: 32 Hero Points: 200

Skills: Acrobatics: 06*, Artist (Actor): 08, Charisma: 12, Detective: 13*, Gadgetry: 13*, Martial Artist: 06*, Medicine: 08, Military Science: 13*, Scientist: 13*, Thief: 06*, Vehicles: 06*, Weaponry: 06*
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Gotham City); Connection: Gotham City Police Department (High), Superman (High); Connoisseur, Headquarters (Bat-Cave); Genius; Intensive Training; Iron Nerves; Leadership; Pet (Ace); Sharp Eye
Drawbacks: Age (90); Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to seeking justice; Secret Identity; Serious Physical Restriction: weak heart; Traumatic Flashbacks (Crime Alley)
Alter Ego: Bruce Wayne
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: CEO and Chairman of the Board, Wayne-Powers Enterprises
Wealth: 21

January 01, 2011

Busy Weekend

There's been no writer's block on my end this weekend. Here's a few things I've been working on: a DC Adventures Hero's Handbook review, a previously promised comparison between DC Adventures and DC HEROES, and a special treat for Batman Beyond fans.

I also had a chance to watch Superman/Batman: Apocalypse this afternoon for the first. I'll need to watch it again before I give a definitive review, but my initial reaction is that it's one of the average DC Animated offerings from the last few years. It's similar in quality to Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. If you liked that one, you'll like this one for sure. Supergirl and Darkseid fans will definitely be happy.

Hope everyone had a safe New Year.